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Data to power AI

10 M topics with Billions of properties

We think we might have the largest and most capable knowledge graph in the world, latently waiting for someone to use for their AI investment.

Do you have a vision, ambition, and means to enter or catalyze AI? If so contact us.

We sit on the data which Google bought from Freebase in 2016 and later hastily took down from public access to drive what is today their AI. But what we have is much better than what Google bought.


Our data in short

  • Over ten million topics
  • Billions of properties and relations
  • Crawler logic ready to further expand on the graph from the Internet


Unique and ready for AI

  • We have all of Freebase (bought by Google in 2016) in our own knowledge graph with an improved data model.
  • We have scripted and imported Wikipedia and Wikidata, making both sources to structured data expanding the original Freebase data.
  • We have sent our own developed crawler onto the Internet to crawl web pages, leveraging our large graphs data and relations.

Context to offering our data to You

Our original vision was to create a globally accessible, free, unique knowledge and earning environment, where our unique data would enable exploring and finding the collective knowledge of mankind without much background knowledge needed. With AI exploding, we realize that our data should be used by the right actor with the right means to drive an AI project. Selling that data would enable us to pursue our own mission of bringing knowledge to the world with unique user experiences, leveraging relationship data for knowledge and 3D environments.

Bringing out knowledge from the Internet with NLP

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a term used a little to vaguely when IT people talk to non-technical people about the magic capability of IT, sort of when they/we use the term AI. But, that said, we use NLP.:) Our use of NLP is that of creating or strengthening relations by proximity in topics and […]

3D is a must

Already 20 years ago, when I first started thinking about how visual contexts could provide the clarity of understanding contexts by exposing relations between knowledge objects, I was “seeing” the experience as a 3D one. When talking about the future of learning and search in relation to visual contexts one must include the emergence of […]

Capturing the collective knowledge of mankind

In this post I will build upon the core purpose of post no 1 – written earlier today: Stating and describing the need, potential, and overall idea of a new way – besides the paradigm of text of today – of consuming information to gain knowledge. The point I wish to make in this post […]

The Future of Learning and Search

It has been five years now. Five years since we started Emvico and embarked on a journey aimed at changing the world. Sound like a big enough challenge and ego? Or as a naive and idiotic statement and goal? It might just prove to be just that but then not because the (latent) need and […]